Dang I procrastinated....so here I am now posting an essay for Macbeth. To be honest Shakespeare’s plays and their slang back then are hard to understand but I manage to try and figure out what they’re saying. So in the passage I literally had to read it over and over again because I just had to pick every word from it and put them together to where I can understand and I think the passage is basically saying how we say it now like “life’s a b*tch”, because when do we ever say that except when we get into trouble or something doesn’t go our way, I think when it says “life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, the struts and fets his hour upon the stage”, it’s what I was talking about earlier in the passage.I think life was b*tch for Macbeth when he killed because now everything in life for him is just going to go downhill from there because killing, your life is over with and now it’s a b*tch. In the passage when it says “ creeps this petty pace...
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