
Showing posts from February, 2019


I make important decisions by having time or I overthink about scenarios of what would happen if i chose that choice over that one and how it would affect me and how it’d make it easier on me.


I’ve had a couple of moments where I felt guilty and actually was. One time I crashed my car into my dads and didn’t tell him instead I fixed it and never told him. Once I blamed something bad I did on my sister.


I’m pretty stubborn when it comes to people trying to get me to change my opinion or my beliefs in something for example; I’m catholic and every Sunday I’m forced to go to church by mom because she gotninto a car accident on the freeway and basically traumatized her so now we go but I personally don’t believe in the church but I believe in God, some of the things the church says that like if i don’t confess before I die I’m going straight to hell well it’s like how would i know I have stuff to do during my life I can’t go confess everyday till I die. Some people tell me well I have to believe in both not just one but I stick to what I think. I don’t think I can ever change my mind on something that I set my mind to already unless they give me reasoning.


To be secure on the internet I recommend downloading an app for VPN or using firefox so no one can possibly hack your devices. Personally me I don’t use any of those things because I can care less if anyone wants to hack to see what I search or what I look at because it’s nothing bad , if J had something to hide then that’s a different story.

Decontructing Macbeth

   Dang I here I am now posting an essay for Macbeth. To be honest Shakespeare’s plays and their slang back then are hard to understand but I manage to try and figure out what they’re saying.    So in the passage I literally had to read it over and over again because I just had to pick every word from it and put them together to where I can understand and I think the passage is basically saying how we say it now like “life’s a b*tch”, because when do we ever say that except when we get into trouble or something doesn’t go our way, I think when it says “life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, the struts and fets his hour upon the stage”, it’s what I was talking about earlier in the passage.I think life was b*tch for Macbeth when he killed because now everything in life for him is just going to go downhill from there because killing, your life is over with and now it’s a b*tch.    In the passage when it says “ creeps this petty pace...